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General CL (Christian Living) Thread

The Rofl Copter
Daniel J Solis
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1General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:57 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator

General CL Thread!

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2General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:58 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator

Christian Living Guidelines Test Tomorrow

Listen. We were given a booklet. And the officers weren't. So, I decided to be nice (lol) and write all the questions/answers there.


3General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:16 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator


I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven and is seated
at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church,
the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.


1. It is at our baptism that we first received the rule of faith, the Creed.
"Creed" from the Latin word, "Credo" which means, "I Believe."
presents the essential truths of the Christian faith. The two principal Catholic creeds are:

1) the Apostles Creed, recited at Sunday mass which is an elaboration of the early, "Roman creed"
of the 3rd century, and the

2) the Nicene creed, which was promulgated in 325 during the first ecumenical council at Nicea.

2. Functions of the Creed:

A) It is a summary of basic Catholic beliefs.
B) It is a pledge of loyalty to God, like the "Panatang Makabayan" which is our proclamation of our loyalty to the flag.
C) It is the proclamation of our identity as Catholics.

"I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth."

3. Who is God?
God is the Supreme Being, the only being who exists of himself, the uncreated Creator. He is all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing and perfect in every way. He is a spiritual being, free from the limitations of the material body.

4.Where is God?
God is everywhere in all that he creates, but is not limited to his Creation.

5.Did God have a beginning?
No, God had no beginning; he was always was, he is, and he will always be.

6.Does God know and see all things?
God does know and see all things - even our secret thoughts and actions.

7.Is there only one God?
There is only one God from whom everything else comes.

8.Are there three persons in God?
There are three persons in the one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

9.Are these three persons three Gods?
These three persons are not three Gods; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same God.

10. What is the mystery of three persons in One God called?
The Mystery of three persons in One God is called the Mystery of the Holy Trinity, and is the central Mystery of Faith.

11.What do we mean by a 'Mystery of Faith'?
By a "Mystery of Faith" we mean a Truth which we cannot fully understand on our ow n, but which is revealed to us by God.

12.Why do we call God "Father"?
We call God "Father" because he cares for us and provides for us like a human father. As Christians, we call God our "Father" because Jesus himself taught us to do so. (Matthew 19:26)

13. Why do we call God "Almighty"?
We call God "Almighty" because God has the power to do anything. "With God all things are possible."

14.Why do we call God "Creator"?
We call God "Creator" because he made heaven and earth and all that is in them, out of nothing, by his Word.

4General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:35 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator

Creator of Heaven and Earth

15. What did God create?
God created heaven and earth and all the creatures that dwell in them.

16. Which creatures dwell on the Earth?
The creatures that dwell on the Earth are the ones that we can see all around us, on the land, in the air and in the sea. We humans are among those creatures.

17. How are humans different?
Humans are different because we are made in God's own image (GEN 1:27):
God endowed us with an immortal soul, with reason, understanding and freewill, and created us to share his life and love.

18.How should we make use of Creation?
God gave us dominion over all his Creation, and allowed us to make use of it for our needs; since it is God's gift to us we should treat it with due care and respect, remembering that future generations are entitled to inherit and enjoy that same creation.

19.Which creatures dwell in Heaven?
The angels and saints dwell in Heaven, sharing fully in the life and love of God.

20.What are angels?
Angels are eternal spiritual beings, with intelligence and free will, but no bodies.
They serve and worship God and assist human beings.

21.Do all angels live in Heaven?
Not all angels live in Heaven. Some angels, through their own free will, chose to rebel against God. Because
of their rebellion, they were expelled from Heaven, to live forever without the goodness and love of God, who made them.

22.How did Sin and Suffering enter God's creation?
Sin and Suffering enter God's creation when Humankind disobeyed God.
Because of this disobedience they were banished from the earthly Paradise and separated themselves from the loving presence of God. From that moment men and women would have to endure suffering and death and live their lives without the loving relationship with God that they had previously enjoyed.

23.What do we call the sinful environment into which every human being is born in?
We call it "original sin".

24.Did God abandon us because of our sin?
No, God did not abandon us because of our sin, but only sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to restore us all to God's love.


'I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord'

The most important fact for us is our Christian Faith.
Our lives are founded on the firm conviction that Jesus Christ
lived and died and rose again. We should try to find out all
that we can about the life of this person who has influenced the world,
and us individually, in so great a way. In view of the importance of Jesus to us,
it would be sad if our knowledge of Jesus was confined to the passages of the Gospel
that we hear when we go to Mass. We should try to read the complete
account of Jesus' life as it is told to us in the Gospels.

25. Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is God the Son, who became man for us.

26.Is Jesus Christ truly God?
Jesus Christ is truly God, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Son,
the Eternal Word, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit always was, is,
and always will be.

27.Is Jesus Christ truly Man?
Jesus Christ is truly man because he has the nature of man,
having body and soul.

28.Was Jesus Christ always man?
Jesus Christ was not always man but hebecame man in the womb
of Virgin Mary.

29.What do we call the mystery of God becoming Man?
we call this mystery 'the Incarnation'
which means that God the Son, became man,
a human being like us in all things except sin.
"The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:14)

30.How many natures are there in Jesus?
There are two natures in Jesus, the Divine nature
of God and he Human nature of man.

31.How many persons are there in Jesus?
There is only one person in Jesus, the person of God the Son.

32.Why did God the Son become Man?
God the Son became man to free us
from sin and open to the way
to Heaven and everlasting life with God.

33.What does the name Jesus, mean?
It means "Savior."

34.What does the name "Christ" mean?
It mean "Anointed."

35.What do these names tell us?
That Jesus was anointed by God.

5General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:51 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator

"He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary."

God sent the Archangel Gabriel to Mary to announce that God had chosen her to be the Mother of Jesus.
When Mary gave her consent, God united his own divine nature to our human nature in the womb of Mary,
forming a body and soul like ours, in the Person of Jesus Christ.

36. How did God the Son become man?
God the son became man with a body and soul like ours, in the womb
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by the power of God the Holy Spirit.

37.Who is the Mother of Jesus?
Mary is the Mother of Jesus.

38.Who was Mary?
Mary was a young woman who lived in Nazareth and who was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter.

39.Why do we honor Mary?
We honor Mary because she is the Mother of Jesus.
The angel Gabriel called her 'full of grace. Mary herself prophesied, in the Magnificat that: 'Henceforth all generations will call me blessed.''

40.How do we honor Mary?
We honor Mary by seeking her help and intercession in our prayers and through the many titles we give to her
that acknowledge her special role in the work of our salvation.

41.What are the main titles that honor Mary?
We call Mary:
the New Eve, because Eve, by her disobedience, brought about our fall.
Mary, by her obedience gave birth to our Savior. Jesus Christ.

the Immaculate Conception, because from the first moment of her conception,
she was filled with God's grace and shared his life and love. Untouched by the effects
of the Oirginal Sin, she was a worthy dwelling place for Jesus. (December Cool

the Holy Virgin, because Jesus was conceived in her womb, by the
power of the Holy Spirit, before she was married to Joseph.
The tradition of the Church tells us that Mary remained a virgin forever,
and had no other children.

the Mother of God, because Jesus Christ is truly God as well as truly man, and Mary is his Mother.

Mary, "Our Mother", because Jesus himself gave Mary to us to be our spiritual Mother,
Now in Heaven Mary cares for us as her children as she prays and intercedes for us with God.

42. Who is the Father of Jesus?
God is the Father of Jesus.

43. Who is St.Joseph?
St Joseph is the Guardian or Foster-Father of Jesus.
He took care of Jesus and his mother Mary.

44.Where was Jesus born?
Jesus was born in a stable at Bethlehem in Judea.

45. When was Jesus born?
Jesus was born around 2000 years ago. We number our years from the year of his birth.
Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus on Christmas Day.

6General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:55 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator

'He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried/

46. Why did Jesus suffer?
Jesus suffered to 'atone' or make amends for our sins and to restore us fully
to the love and friendship of God which we had lost through sin, and to open
the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.

47. What were the sufferings of Jesus?
The greatest suffering of Jesus is his rejection by so many of those he came to save.
We also remember how he suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane -
how he was scourged by the Roman soldiers; how they crowned him
with thorns and mocked him; how he carried his Cross through the streets
of Jerusalem; and how he suffered and died on the Cross.

48.What were the sufferings of Jesus called?
The sufferings of Jesus are called - 'The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ'.

49.Why is Jesus called our Redeemer?
Jesus is called our Redeemer (the one who buys back) because
his precious blood was shed to pay the price
for the forgiveness of our sins.

50.When did Jesus die?
Jesus died at about the age of 33. Christians remember
his suffering and death on Good Friday.

51.Where did Jesus die?
Jesus died on a Cross on Mount Calvary
outside Jerusalem.

52. How do we remember the sufferings/death of Jesus?
We remember the sufferings and death of Jesus primarily in the
Mass, which is a share in his Holy Sacrifice on the Cross.
We also remember his sufferings and death by looking
at the Crucifix, by making the Sign of the Cross,
by making the Stations of the Cross, and by offering up our own
daily sacrifices as a share in his suffering.

He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again.

When Jesus died, his body was laid in a tomb and his soul descended to the dead, just like
all souls before him. But he, however, went there as a Savior, to release the just
souls who had waited to be set free by him, so that they could join
him in Heaven.

53. What does 'He descended to the dead' mean?
In means that when Jesus died, his soul went to that place
of rest where the souls of all the good people who
had died were waiting for Jesus to open for them
the way to Heaven.

54.What does, ' on the third day, he Rose again ' mean?
It means that after Jesus died, His body was burief in a tomb and remained
there for nearly three days. Then, on the third day, by his power
as God, he rose from the dead to the new and eternal life of the Resurrection.
This is called the 'Resurrection of Jesus from the dead'

55.When do we celebrate Christ's Resurrection?
We celebrate his Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Every Sunday in the year is also a memorial of the resurrection.

56. How do we know that Jesus rose from the dead?
We know that Jesus rose from the dead because he appeared several times
to the Apostles and to many of his disciples, he spoke to them and let them
see and touch his wounds.

He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father'

57.What is meant by the "Ascension"?
It means that forty days after His Resurrection with his work of Salvation and Redemption
now accomplished, Jesus went up body and soul
into Heaven to be with the Father and the Holy Spirit. This happened on the Mount of Olives as
his disciples watched.

58. What did Jesus promise before he ascended into Heaven?
Jesus promised to send his disciples the Holy Spirit.

59. When do we celebrate the Ascension.
We celebrate the Ascension on Ascension day,
forty days after Easter Sunday.

Last edited by Daniel J Solis on Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

7General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:56 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator

He will come again to judge the living and the dead

Jesus will come at the end of time to complete the triumph of good
over evil. He will judge the living and the dead and separate the
good from the bad. Those who have chosen to reject Jesus and his teaching
during their lives will join the devil and his followers to live without
God for all eternity. Those who have chosen to follow Jesus and
live by his teaching will share in the life of the Holy Trinity and join
Mary and all the angels and saints to live forever in the happiness
of Heaven.

60. What do we mean by the "Last Judgment?"
We mean that, on the last day, when this world ends,
Jesus will come again to judge all Mankind;
all our thoughts, words, omissions will be submitted to
his Judgment. We do not know when this will happen.

61. What will happen to those who have lived good lives?
Those who have lived according to the teaching of Jesus and who
have loved God and their neighbor will share God's life and love
forever in Heaven.

62.What will happen those who have lived bad lives?
Those who have chosen to live without God
and have rejected Jesus and his teaching and who have lived
for themselves with no love for God or their neighbor, by their own choice, will live
forever without God. They will be excluded from Heaven, deprived of
the happiness promised by God to those who love him and their
neighbor and join the Evil One. In that
eternal godless existence, that we call Hell.

' I believe in the Holy Spirit'
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity who is equal
to the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is the life and love of
God poured out by the Father and the Son to guide, strengthen
and sanctify us.

63.What is the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son?
The Holy Spirit shares the glory of the Father and Son;
three Persons equal in majesty, undivided in splendor, yet
one Lord, one God.

64.What does the Holy Spirit do?
The Holy Spirit shares his life and love with us, helping us
with his strength to live our lives according to the teaching of
Jesus and as members of his Church. Jesus promised us that
this would happen when, before his Ascension, he told
the Apostles to return in Jerusalem and wait for the Gifts
of the Holy Spirit which would be given to them.
We know that this happened on the Feast of Pentecost w hen
the Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles. These same
gifts are given to us when we receive the Sacrament
of Confirmation.

65.How does the Holy Spirit work within the Church?
The Holy Spirit works within the Church by guiding the Pope
and the Bishops of the Church (the Magisterium).
The Holy Spirit also guides and inspires each member of the Church and works through their lives to bring Christ to the world.

66. When was the Holy Spirit revealed to us?
The Holy Spirit was revealed to us fifty days after the Resurrection,
on the feast of Pentecost. This happened just as
Jesus had promised before he ascended into Heaven.

67. How was the Holy Spirit revealed to us?
The Holy Spirit was revealed to us when Our Lady and the Apostles
were gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem at Pentecost. Suddenly there was a noise like a great wind,
and the Holy Spirit came down upon them in the form of tongues of fire, and filled them with his gifts.

68.What did the gifts of the Holy Spirit enable them to do?
The gifts of the Holy Spirit enabled them to be brave
and strong and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the
whole world, despite persecution and even death.

Last edited by Daniel J Solis on Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

8General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:57 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator


9General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:57 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator


10General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:19 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

wow that was a big sacrifice daniel :O

11General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:48 pm

The Rofl Copter

The Rofl Copter
Cool Dude
Cool Dude

I didn't finish the test.. Evil or Very Mad

12General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:09 am


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

so did i... ;_;

13General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:12 pm


Section A-dministrator

Booo Omar!!! Evil or Very Mad

14General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:55 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

in my opinion he is the coolest teacher in our grade level

15General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:01 pm


Section A-dministrator

...except when it comes to test. Razz

16General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:02 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

oh lol ur right :O

17General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:12 pm


Teacher's Pet!
Teacher's Pet!

oraclebop wrote:...except when it comes to test. Razz

It was 'cos of the shortened period

18General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:13 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

mmm ur right but its like.. GAH!

19General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:43 pm



lol, Mr. Omar has humor Razz

20General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:49 pm

christian_perreras B)

christian_perreras B)
New Friend!
New Friend!

julespino wrote:in my opinion he is the coolest teacher in our grade level

Me too! he is funny

21General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:52 pm



that's what makes C.L. fun XD

22General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:23 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

yeah he is cewl santa

23General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:15 pm

The Rofl Copter

The Rofl Copter
Cool Dude
Cool Dude

I never get sleepy in his class Very Happy

24General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:18 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

LOL our male C.L. teachers are "funny" lol! lol! lol!

25General CL (Christian Living) Thread Empty Re: General CL (Christian Living) Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:19 pm

The Rofl Copter

The Rofl Copter
Cool Dude
Cool Dude

Only the male "academic" teachers..

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