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General Reading Thread

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1General Reading Thread Empty General Reading Thread Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:14 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator

Please, in here

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2General Reading Thread Empty Re: General Reading Thread Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:26 pm

Daniel J Solis

Daniel J Solis
Section A-dministrator


►Rising Action
►Falling Action

- Animals, things or human beings providing action and meaning to the story.
They are the ones who act out the story.



Place - Where the story happened.
Time - When the story happened.


Series or actions of events that take place in the story.


Introduction/Beginning Action:
Presents the characters, setting & the problems.

Rising Action:
Show how the problems affect the characters
and what they do to try to solve it.
- Gets more exciting.

The struggles/problem between 2 opposing forces.


Social - Characters VS. ANOTHER Character
Physical - Characters VS. The Forces of Nature
Psychological - Characters VS. Themselves


Climax - *Turning Point*
The most exciting part or interesting action in the story.


Falling Actions: Problem is starting
to be resolved.
- The event that leads to the solution of the problem.

That event that shows the solution,
Discovers also what happened to the characters
after the solution to the problem
was taken or performed.


Message - Moral/Lesson
Lesson/Moral of the story:
Lesson learned, values earned.
Theme: Universal message,
truth about the story.

3General Reading Thread Empty Re: General Reading Thread Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:44 pm

christian_perreras B)

christian_perreras B)
New Friend!
New Friend!

Daniel J Solis wrote:STORY ELEMENTS

►Rising Action
►Falling Action

- Animals, things or human beings providing action and meaning to the story.
They are the ones who act out the story.



Place - Where the story happened.
Time - When the story happened.


Series or actions of events that take place in the story.


Introduction/Beginning Action:
Presents the characters, setting & the problems.

Rising Action:
Show how the problems affect the characters
and what they do to try to solve it.
- Gets more exciting.

The struggles/problem between 2 opposing forces.


Social - Characters VS. ANOTHER Character
Physical - Characters VS. The Forces of Nature
Psychological - Characters VS. Themselves


Climax - *Turning Point*
The most exciting part or interesting action in the story.


Falling Actions: Problem is starting
to be resolved.
- The event that leads to the solution of the problem.

That event that shows the solution,
Discovers also what happened to the characters
after the solution to the problem
was taken or performed.


Message - Moral/Lesson
Lesson/Moral of the story:fense
Lesson learned, values earned.
Theme: Universal message,e
truth about the story.

You dont really have to type everything thats in the ntbk.. lol! lol! No Offense afro

4General Reading Thread Empty Re: General Reading Thread Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:47 am

Karlo Angelo

Karlo Angelo
Section A-dministrator

christian_perreras B) wrote:
Daniel J Solis wrote:
Insert massive amounts of notes here

You dont really have to type everything thats in the ntbk.. lol! lol! No Offense afro

He did it so you...
A. Have an excuse to go to the computer
B. Can read notes with delicious color and listening to muzayk
C. He just did it for the lulz

5General Reading Thread Empty Re: General Reading Thread Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:36 am


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

dont forget guys we need to do the rdg spelling quiz definitions and pronounciation

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