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Those damn bad Games

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1Those damn bad Games Empty Those damn bad Games Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:00 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

What games hav you bought or just got and then after a while you start thinking

HOLY! what the F*** is this what kind of bull**** is this!!!
lol! lol!
something like that hehe just curious....

yes this happened to me once
I got the Katamari thing was it?? the one with the ball thing??
that was a load of ****
exhibit A damn bad SOund track
B bad artwork thos things were ugly wait no scratch that they we're GAY
C an ugly GAY story.....

*sorry if this cencorship is not enough

2Those damn bad Games Empty Re: Those damn bad Games Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:08 pm


Section A-dministrator

Mmmkay, the censorship is fine. XD

I personally regret buying the Simpsons Game... What a waste. No

3Those damn bad Games Empty Re: Those damn bad Games Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:10 pm


Cool Dude
Cool Dude

oraclebop wrote:Mmmkay, the censorship is fine. XD

I personally regret buying the Simpsons Game... What a waste. No

What??!?? WHY?!?!!? that game was nice

even though i'm stuck on the martian thing

*the PSP one if there are any other..... oh and maybe some help hehe.... lol!

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